
The name Fareast Mercantile Company has become synonymous with
excellence in the distribution industry as the company in faraway South
Africa has been recognised by her clients on the global scene as the
Best Distribution partner of choice. This award is in recognition of the
company’s in-depth knowledge of route-to-market strategies and
consistently walking their talk year on year by ensuring client’s
product are available every time, everywhere in the best form and at the
best rate. This is in line with FMC’s slogan of AAVA – Affordability,
Availability, Visibility, and Accessibility.
Mr. Jamel Amoakoh of Reckitt Benckiser while speaking at the awards
noticeably mentioned FMC Ghana as a pride to Ghana for servicing the
markets with the highest standards and meeting their KPI’s. He mentioned
that the zest and passion in the FMCL team is worth commending and he
looks forward to many more years of partnership.
These testimonials confirms Fareast Mercantile Company maintains it
leadership in the distribution and logistics business space across
Nigeria and Ghana. With our century old leadership, local terrain
knowledge, state of the art warehousing facility, technology aided
product and sales tracking device and a more motivated and dynamic
workforce, we remain your best route to the market.